-New Premium Plan-
See terms and conditions (Spanish only) - 549501. * When consuming the high speed GB, a speed degradation to 0.500 mbps is applied.
Flash Connect and Unlimited Plans!
- 2.3 GB to browse
- Minutes and SMS unlimited
- 1 GB*
- 500 MB*
- unlimited*
- Social networks unlimited
- 5 GB to browse
- Minutes and SMS unlimited
- 1.5 GB*
- 500 MB*
- unlimited*
- Social networks unlimited
- 8 GB to browse
- Minutes and SMS unlimited
- 2 GB*
- 500 MB
- unlimited*
- Social networks unlimited
- Unlimited Data*
- Unlimited Minutes
- Unlimited SMS
- 10 GB of high speed* to browse
- Unlimited Data*
- Unlimited Minutes
- Unlimited SMS
- 20 GB of high speed* to browse
- Unlimited Data*
- Unlimited Minutes
- Unlimited SMS
- 30 GB of high speed* to browse
- 1.7 GB to browse
- Minutes and SMS unlimited
- 500 MB*
- Social networks unlimited

Plans Connect 100, Connect 150, Connect 200 and Connect 300 are now available in Automatic Rate.
*Valid from June 1st to June 30th., 2024. Read the Terms and Conditions: Connect 100 Plan Promotion - 1243555, Connect 150 Plan Promotion - 1243572, Connect 200 Plan Promotion - 1243575 and Connect 300 Plan Promotion - 1243593. (Spanish only)
The customer loyalty program is available staring on May 2nd, 2023. IFT #1154240. Read the FAQ about the loyalty program.
*POLICY FOR FAIR USE OF UNLIMITED MEGABYTE PLANS. The unlimited data allows the user to freely navigate in any app and destination with the highest transfer speed available. However, in the event that during the term of the Plan the user reaches the navigation gigabytes included, a fair use policy will be applied that will reduce the transfer speed to a maximum of 0.500 Mbps.
- Flash in Music mode! -
Data Bundles
Available in standard rate only
Available in standard rate only
Flash Fun Bundles
Are you going to travel?
With Flash Viajero, stay connected all the time when you travel to Canada and USA!
Only applies for USA and Canada. For limited time
Available in standard rate only
If you do not have a plan, one of these tariffs will apply.
Standard Rate
Remember, with Flash Mobile your top-ups never expire
Minutes to Mexico, U.S. & Canada |
$0.012500 per minute |
SMS to Mexico, U.S. & Canada | $0.75 |
Megabyte (MB) | $0.000732 per KB |
New Automatic Rate
Consult more details about the new automatic rate here
Remember, with Flash Mobile your top-ups never expire.
Minutes to Mexico, U.S. & Canada |
$0.012500 per minute |
SMS to Mexico, U.S. & Canada | $0.75 |
Megabyte (MB) | Not available. Consumption on demand |
To see world zones for international calls, please download the PDF here.
All prices include VA. Our Plans are registered with IFT with the folio IDs below.
If you need to check them on the official IFT site, click here.:
Standard rate Terms and conditions - 196560 and Automatic Rate Terms and conditions - 456806
Conecta Plans Terms and Conditions: Plan Conecta 100 - 456816, Plan Conecta 150 - 456819, Plan Conecta 200 - 898457, Plan Conecta 300 - 898462, Plan Ilimitado Conecta 400 - 365857, Plan Ilimitado Conecta 550 - 365864, Plan Ilimitado Conecta 1000 - 365874.
Extra MB bundles Terms and Conditions: 300 MB extras - 456827, 700 MB extras - 195466, 1500 MB extras - 214651. Waze bundle Terms and Conditions - 456829.
Flash Viajero bundles Terms and Conditions: Flash Viajero 1 - 456830, Flash Viajero 2 - 195529 y Flash viajero 3 - 195563.
Flash Fun Bundles Terms and Conditions: Flash Fun 30 - 456831, Flash Fun 50 - 456838, Flash Fun 80 - 456848.
Spotify bundle Terms and Conditions - 456849.
*Buy your Plans and/or Bundles with cash, debit or credit card. All prices include VAT. Subject to the fair use policy. Facebook® does not include videos or live streaming. FB Messenger does not include video calls or VoIP. WhatsApp® includes VoIP calls, videos and location sharing. WhatsApp® does not include video calls. Instagram® does not include the use of content from external links, uploading and downloading photos outside the Instagram® application. Snapchat® does not include the use of external link content, uploading and downloading photos outside the Snapchat® application. None of the applications included in the Unlimited Social Networks bag applies to the transmission or reproduction of live streaming video
Balance transfer between Flash users' policy: In order to transfer any amount to another Flash Mobile user, it is essential that your line has $50 pesos (MXN) in addition to the amount you wish to transfer; otherwise the transfer will be rejected. Your line cannot have less than $50 pesos (MXN) after the transfer
In no case, Logística ACN México, S. de R.L. of CV, nor its affiliates are granted ownership of any trademarks, distinctive signs and/or domains, trade names, logos or any other type of intellectual property owned by third parties, which incidentally and occasionally are contained in this web page. Netflix® and its logo are registered trademarks owned by Netflix, Inc. Amazon®, Prime Video®,YouTube and their logos are trademarks owned by Amazon Technologies, Inc.